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Fundamental data types basics_bulb

Badge for "Fundamental data types" chapter from C++ course.

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- "Hipparcos"
Answered at least once on all free questions in "Fundamental data types" chapter of "C++" course.

- "Rigil Kentaurus"
Answered at least once correctly on all free questions in "Fundamental data types" chapter of "C++" course.

- "Toliman"
Completed free "Fundamental data types" chapter of "C++" course.

- "Rigil Kentaurus"
Answered at least once correctly on all free questions in "Fundamental data types" chapter of "C++" course.

- "Toliman"
Completed free "Fundamental data types" chapter of "C++" course.

- "Hipparcos"
Answered at least once on all free questions in "Fundamental data types" chapter of "C++" course.

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