Consider following code snippet:
var a = [],
    b = 1,
    c = false,
    d = [];
console.log(typeof (b == c) + ' ' + (a == d) );
What will be printed to the console?
1) b == c -> false, typeof false = boolean;
2) [ ] == [ ], [ ] === [ ] -> false

Thanks fellows, @docahrens @hopmaster ! Fixed

2016 Jun 15, 6:54:34 PM

Please correct the typos. 1. it should say printed, not pribted. 2. your correct answer says: 'boolean, false' (note the comma), when the correct answer should be 'boolean false' (without a comma).

2016 Jun 12, 1:30:42 AM

correct answer: "boolean false"

2016 Jun 11, 8:13:45 PM

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